Monday, October 20, 2008

Nobody Likes Change...

In reviewing the current local and district policies, a few additions/changes could be made.

*A new policy regarding student email accounts. Many students work on projects at home and then come to the Media Center to work on them with center resources and/or print them out. The local school and/or county blocks many of the websites students need to access their email accounts.

*At the district level there is no specific policy regarding the failure to reimburse or return Media Center materials. It would make life easier for the Media Center staff to enforce their own policy if it was specifically addressed in the district-level policy.

*An extension of Media Center hours would benefit many students and their parents. Extending the closing time an hour at least 2 days a week would allow many students to stay after school to work on school work and be picked up by their parents after work. Offering weekend hours (8-11 a.m.)every other weekend would also give some parents access to the internet they might not have at home. They could come in to check their students' grades, work on their own schoolwork if applicable, or research personal interests, within district internet use bounds, of course!

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